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时间:2022-11-05 08:02:21 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2672字






The weather was so hot that three people fainted, and we had to call a doctor to bring them to life.───天气这么热,有三个人晕倒了, 我们只好请医生来将他们救醒了.

May I make bold to suggest that you were wrong to do so?───我斗胆说一句,这件事您做错了.

No one asked your opinion, so butt out.───没有人征求你的意见, 不要插嘴.

Don't be naive. The matter is not so simple.───你别傻乎乎的, 事情没有那么简单.

Splashdown is expected 300 kilometres west of Valparai so.───溅落位置预定在瓦尔帕来索以西300公里.

She is always so chic, so elegant.───她总是那么时髦,那么优雅。

As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living.───随着工资的提高, 生活费用也提高了.

Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.───克里斯是如此雄心勃勃,如此坚决地要把它做完。


Nothing so certain [sure] as death.

So much of what's on TV is pure dross.

As a man sows, so he shall reap.

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I'm not taking any medication. -Is that so?