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时间:2022-11-05 08:05:00 作者:学习啦 字数:2745字


You can do that


你可以───You can;你可以───You can


In a dream you can be transported back in time.───在梦里你可以回到过去。

Let's sit down and then you can say what's up.───咱们先坐下来,然后你把事情告诉我。

You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.───你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。

You can't have one without the other, as the song says.───就像歌里唱的那样,两者密不可分,不能只取其一。

You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.───你可以付费升级到商务舱。

You can chat to other people who are online.───你可以和其他在线的人聊天。

Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like.───两个历史问题——你可以随便回答。

Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.───游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。


You can’t touch pitch without being defiled. 

Be always as merry as ever you can, for no-one delights in a sorrowful man. 

Don’t put off what you can do today till tomorrow. 

Don't try to run before you can walk. 

You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.