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时间:2022-11-05 12:00:47 作者:星火作文 字数:3292字


Strong cold


酽寒───Strong cold


Frozen (Level 22) - Frozen-imbued monsters inflict Cold damage with their attacks and have strong Cold resistance.───日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。

At sundown, the strong cold wind has shifted from the southeast to the northwest.───日落时分成,强有力的冷风由东南风转为西北风。

In the sky, it is still floating in the white snow falls, it seems to be with the north wind - that a strong cold melody in the dance.───天空中,很白色的雪花还在飘然落下,它好像是在与北风——那强大的冷旋律在翩翩起舞。

A strong, cold, southerly wind that blows across the eastern part of New South Wales, Australia.───吹越澳大利亚南威尔士东部的寒冷而强烈的南风。

In addition, the Xinjiang region affected by a strong cold front, Korla, Hami, such as the airport and the wind blowing weather.───此外,新疆地区受较强冷锋影响,库尔勒、哈密等机场有大风和扬沙天气。


A strong cold front penetrating into northern China will bring low temperatures, strong winds and scattered snowfall over the next three days, the central meteorological observatory forecast Sunday.

Camellia japonica L. distributed on offshore islands in Qingdao is a typical component of subtropical flora, often is called Naidong because of its strong cold endurance.

Some believe that it is because of unusually strong cold ocean currents, which improve the chances of penguins surviving the journey.

Along the Rh ? ne Valley, occasional strong , cold , dry , north - to - northwesterly wind known as the mistral.

A strong cold wave entering Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during 8-10 January of 1983 is analys. ed by the isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) maps.