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时间:2022-11-05 12:02:29 作者:语文迷 字数:2907字


Chengbei passenger station


城北───North of the city;客运───passenger transport


Most of the houses on our books are in the north of the city.───我们手头的房子大多数在城北。

North of the city is a railway.───城的北面有一条铁路。

's north of the city centre.───市中心的北部。

Nobody ever dares to venture that far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the shrine of Hermaeus Mora.───没人敢冒生命危险到城市的远北方探险,但有些寻访赫玛耐斯•莫拉圣坛的勇敢的朝圣者除外。

The wall itself is breathtaking but people are frequently as stunned by the fresh air and gorgeous green mountains north of the city.───墙本身是美事,但人们往往惊诧不已新鲜空气和绚丽的绿色山脉北该城。

The minister for public security said six vehicles carrying heavily armed police had been sent to Vila Cruzeiro in the north of the city.───安全部长公开表示运载全副武装警察的六量装甲车已被送到了市北的VilaCruzeiro。


North of the city to the north is not to miss.

The factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.

Rive that lies on the north of the city is a key waterway artery.

Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities.

The Yorkshire Dales are twenty miles to the north of the city.