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时间:2022-11-05 20:03:23 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3331字


The development of e-commerce


电子商务───Electronic Commerce;发展───development


Electronic commerce, website construction, the sketch animation design creation.───电子商务, 网站建设, 图形动画设计制作.

Electronic commerce has become a reality and is expected to grow exponentially.───而且电子商业已成为事实,并预料会以倍数增长.

Electronic funds transfer is one of the important parts of electronic commerce.───电子资金划拨是电子商务的重要环节.

Encryption software that works like a physical wallet during electronic commerce transactions.───一种加密软件,在电子商务交易中起到普通钱夹一样的作用.

This tModel represents the interface or specification for the electronic commerce capability.───这个tModel就 表示了这套软件界面或者可以说是表示了实现这样一种电子商务能力的规范.

The electronic commerce development and the Web service is closely linked.───电子商务的发展和Web服务息息相关.

Ten years ago, an electronic commerce project was a major undertaking.───十年之前,一个电子商务项目就是一项重点任务。

In Europe, mobile phones are already being used for electronic commerce.───在欧洲, 移动电话已经用于电子商务.


Consumer Research and Electronic Commerce Evaluating customer preference is the main uncertainty facing application designers.

To become a reality, electronic commerce needs a network infrastructure to transport the content.

That enables electronic commerce on the Internet.

Many predict that electronic commerce will propel global computer networks from the fringe into the core of business.

In the case of electronic commerce, directories would play an important role in information management functions.