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时间:2022-11-06 00:01:09 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2656字


A good man


好好人───A good man


I hope to be a good man.───我的愿望是成为一个好的男人。

The president is a good man.───总统是个品德高尚的人。

He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath.───他年轻、任性,但骨子里是个好人。

12Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, "He is a good man. "───众人为他纷纷议论,有的说:“他是好人。”有的说:“不然,他是迷惑众人的。”

Friends said he like a trivial hermes, she said, was the world is married a good man.───朋友都说他琐碎得像个老妈子,她却说他是世界上值得嫁的好男人。

He's such a good man. We became friends almost as soon as we met. He's very sweet and I feel so secure when I'm with him.───他是个好人。我们刚见面就成了朋友。他为人体贴,和他在一起我感到很安全。


He's a good man.

He is a good man whom fortune makes better. 

He appears pompous but is a good man underneath.

He is a good man with a rough exterior.

Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.