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时间:2022-11-06 00:03:19 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2487字


Crack down on pyramid schemes


打击───strike;传销───pyramid selling


I didn't hear the clock strike.───我没有听到报时钟声.

They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.───他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。

The threatening strike did not take place after all.───可能来临的罢工终究没有发生.

"Strike Force Three are here, sir." — "Good."───“第三突击队已到这里,长官。”——“很好。”

Senior managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible impact.───高层主管们相信罢工的影响微不足道。

Our plans were thrown into disarray by the rail strike.───铁路罢工打乱了我们的计划.

You say you're on the side of the workers; why don't you put your money where your mouth is and support the strike?───你说你站在工人一边, 那你为什么不拿出实际行动来支持罢工 呢 ?

The Royal Mint will strike a gold coin of commemorative.───英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币.
