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时间:2022-11-06 00:05:02 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2909字


Roundworms in your stomach


蛔虫───Ascaris lumbricoides;肚子───belly


extraction of infective larvae of Ascaris lumbricoides can induce apoptosis of human alveolar epithelia in vitro.───人蛔虫感染期幼虫提取物能够诱导人肺上皮细胞的凋亡。

Ascaris lumbricoides and iron deficiency anemia.───蛔虫和缺铁性贫血.

dynamics both reinfection and infection rates of Ascaris lumbricoides was observed among 581 school children.───通过观察群体蛔虫再感染和感染率的动态变化,本文提出了群体驱治蛔虫的间隔时间——群治频率。

Objective To study the relationship between cleanliness of children's hands and diminution of Ascaris lumbricoides infection.───目的探讨儿童手部清洁卫生与蛔虫感染之间关系。

This is a ball of Ascaris lumbricoides worms removed from the colon of an adult.───成年人结肠取出的蛔虫团,为重度感染.


The immunological cross-reaction among Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris suum, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Toxocara canis was studied with SDS-PAGE immunoblotting technique.

The infection rate of ascaris lumbricoides was one of the highest in parasitosis infection.

Ascaris lumbricoides and iron deficiency anemia.

This is a ball of Ascaris lumbricoides worms removed from the colon of an adult.

No cross reactions with ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris were observed.