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时间:2022-11-11 12:03:33 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2727字


Light and fresh


轻鲜───Light and fresh


Light and fresh attack, with lots of flavour and good balance. Perfect served chilled with seafood, salads or equally on its own.───这款酒搭配各色海鲜、沙拉均能获得最佳口感,独饮也可收获美好体验。

The top notes of bergamot, pink pepper and mandarin wrap the fragrance in a light and fresh complexion.───佛手柑、小豆蔻、粉色胡椒和中国柑橘的前调,把此款香水包裹在轻柔、清新的气氛。

Plain taping dominated by blue, color light and fresh, full of nostalgic feelings, suitable for children's shirt and skirt.───素色格子布以蓝色调为主,色彩淡雅清新,充满怀旧情愫,适宜做儿童衬衫、裙装等。


Light and fresh aromatherapy essential oils add a pleasant, calming effect.

This traditional Sauvignon Blanc has a greenish yellow color. It reveals note of tropical fruit as grapefruit and citric touches in the nose. In the plate is light and fresh with a good acidity level.

A simple story, but recounted with light and fresh humour.

The front panel can be opened rearward, providing additional light and fresh air to first - row passengers.

This wine is light and fresh with ripe appley fruit.