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时间:2022-11-11 16:05:07 作者:语文迷 字数:2556字


River filling by Magpie




Mother heard a magpie call from the roof and took it for a good omen.───妈妈听见喜鹊在房上叫,觉得是个吉兆.

Not be the magpie that be over the sky, the crow that annoys however, speak crow.───谁在惊梦?不是满天的喜鹊, 而是愤怒的乌鸦, 讲真话的乌鸦.

New RSS newsfeed reader ( Magpie ) that is both more efficient and more powerful.───新的RSS读取组件,效率更高,功能更强大.

Otherwise, Yukio Hatoyama of magpie nests and tried, it is known the house will not tranquil.───否则, 鸠占鹊巢,李代桃僵, 那屋内必是鸡飞狗跳,不得安宁.

As the author points out, Hitler a magpie mind.───作者指出, 希特勒有收集癖.

But magpie would not go to California.───不过喜鹊不会去加利福尼亚的。

As the author points out, Hitler had a magpie mind.───如作者所指出, 希特勒的头脑十分混杂.

This young man is really a magpie.───这个年轻人真是饶舌.


Now and than a magpie would call.