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时间:2022-11-11 20:04:14 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2470字


I don't mind


不介意───Don't you mind?;我───I


you sure you don't mind?───你确实不在意?

you married, if you don't mind me asking?───如果你不介意,请问你结婚了吗?

I hope you don't mind me coming to see you.───我希望你不会介意我来看你。

The girl next her noticed her state of mind. "Don't you mind, " she said. "He's too fresh. "───旁边的女工注意到了她的情绪。“别放在心上,”她说,“这小子太放肆了。”

Don't you mind letting your patients see into your mind like this?───你不怕病人们透过这些看到你的内心吗?。

If I shake and tremble, as we pass the gallows, don't you mind, but hurry on.───经过绞刑架的时候,我要是摇摇晃晃,浑身哆嗦,你别介意,赶紧走就是了。


The girlfriend asks him: " I all over the face fleck, don't you mind really? "

Why don't you mind your own business?