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时间:2022-11-12 00:01:13 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3358字


Where does Yao Ming come from


姚明───Yao Ming;来自───come from


As a public figure, Yao Ming knows what to do in face of this kind of things.───作为一名公众人物, 姚明知道在面对这类事情时该怎么做。

It is worth repeating, sources confirmed, that Tracy McGrady should always pass the ball to Yao Ming.───值得重申的是,消息人士证实,特雷西·麦克格雷迪应该总是把球传给姚明。

Anyone who saw Yao Ming tumble to the floor against the Portland Trailblazers in the first round of the NBA Playoffs had to feel sorry for the man.───姚明在NBA季后赛第一轮对阵波特兰开拓者的比赛中摔倒在地,任何看到这一幕的人都会同情他。

All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets.───来自休斯顿的报道——全明星中锋姚明因为左脚应力性骨折将缺席本赛季,这对于休斯顿火箭队无疑是一个巨大的打击。

Still, it hasn't been a working formula in Houston combined with one of the two best centers in the league, Yao Ming.───所以,即使休斯顿拥有联盟最好的2个中锋之一,姚明,缺没有一个稳定的完整队伍。

He goes a little bit like (countryman) Yao Ming; one step at a time. You never see him expecting so much from himself.───和他的同胞姚明有点像;一步一个脚印。现在他对自己有很高的期望。


Yao Ming, 9th place, is top money maker among centers with guaranteed earnings of $17.7m.

I use to be Yao Ming back at home, but now I am mostly a bench warmer.

But is the third-year center better than Yao Ming?

Yao Ming, he is the pride of China, the Chinese people's heroic, is our good example.

I think you've got to force Yao Ming out on the perimeter defensively.