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时间:2022-11-12 12:01:07 作者:语文迷 字数:2802字


This is my kindergarten painting




She is a substitute teacher in a kindergarten now. It is a very exacting job.───她现在是个幼稚园的代课老师, 这是个辛苦的工作.

She found a a dance teacher in a kindergarten.───她在一所幼儿园找到了一份当舞蹈老师的工作.

The children's faces were brightened up when they saw their parents appear at the gate of the kindergarten.───当孩子们看到家长们出现在幼儿园门口时,都喜形于色.

The kindergarten is run by an old lady.───这间幼儿园是一位老人办的.

Application target Home , bedroom, hospital rest home, kindergarten, office, entertainment place, basement.───适用于办公室、家 、 习班 、 儿学校 、 院 、 乐场所 、 下室的功能密闭空气不良场所.

Eligible kindergarten pupils may apply for tuition fee remission through the Kindergarten Fee Remission Scheme.───此外,合资格的幼稚园学生也可通过幼稚园学费减免计划申请学费减免.

Meanwhile, school was another story. In kindergarten, often bandaged, I endured lots of ridicule.───而在学校里却是另一回事. 在幼儿园时, 由于经常缠着绷带, 我遭到了许多孩子的嘲笑.

I enjoy singing English songs to young children in kindergarten.───我喜欢在幼儿园向小孩子们唱英文歌.
