Sky snake
天蛇───Sky snake
Ophiuchus, is a constellation in space and existing prints of its symbol indicate it is a heavily muscled individual holding a snake to the sky.───蛇夫座是太空中的星座之一,星座图案是一名健硕男子向天手持一条蟒蛇。
The darker plot than we're used to twists and turns like a Slytherin snake, while shocks hit the reader like a muggle seeing a flying car in the sky.───比我们以前曾看过的迂回曲折的史来哲林巨蛇更为黑暗的阴谋,当震惊打击读者像麻瓜看到天空中的飞车一样。
-foot-high Ferris wheel from 1920 still creaks in the sky, children squeal on dizzying rides, and lurid, hand-painted signs advertise sideshows of snake-charmers and fire-eaters.───英尺高的摩天轮从1920年起至今仍耸立空中,吱吱作响; 孩童们在晕眩刺激的机动过山车上发出尖叫;
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