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时间:2022-11-12 16:10:13 作者:语文迷 字数:2435字


Plate head


板头───Plate head


Based on the cause of gauge oversizing of plate head, the traditional head gauge compensation methods were analyzed.───基于中厚板轧制过程中头部厚度超差原因,分析了传统的头部补偿方法的不足之处。

Through analysis of plate head thickness data, common trend of head thickness fluctuation is found and a slope-variable compensation model for head thickness control was put forward.───通过对钢板头部厚度数据的分析,找出了头部厚度波动规律,提出了变斜率头部厚度补偿改进模型。

Goose head shaped steel plate head has oval screw bore, there is deep slot on the inner side;───鹅头形钢板头部设计有椭圆形螺丝孔内侧面设计有较深的槽纹;

FEM Analysis of Geometry Control of the Plate Head in the Vertical-horizontal Rolling Processes───板材调宽轧制头部形状控制有限元分析

Repair welding of crack in clad steel plate head after machine-shaping───复合钢板封头裂纹的焊接修复
