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时间:2022-11-12 20:01:39 作者:星火作文 字数:3076字


Zhongshu JianZheng




Qian Zhongshu; Academic achievement; Experience of reading.───钱钟书;学术成就;读书经历。

Qiang Zhongshu composed Selected Annotation of Song Poems.───而《谈艺录》对宋诗,尤其对苏轼、安石、庭坚、与义等,都有精辟独到的评论.

Qian Zhongshu is such a scholarly writer who always keeps great interest in philosophy.───摘要钱钟书是一位对哲学始终保持着浓厚兴趣的作家型学者.

Both Chen Yinque and Qian Zhongshu are rare academic masters and cultural giants in 20th century China.───陈寅恪与钱钟书同为中国20世纪罕见的学术大师和文化巨人。

Qian Zhongshu transformation is the ideal goal that many translators are keen to attain.───“化境”是众多翻译工作者梦寐以求的理想目标.

Dong Zhongshu and his legal thought hold an important position in Chinese ancient thoughts.───董仲舒及其政治法律思想在整个中国法律思想史上占有重要地位.

Zhongshu s notion of "transformation" is the ideal goal that many translators are keen to attain.───化境”是众多翻译工作者梦寐以求的理想目标。

The economic thought of able and virtuous literature and Dong Zhongshu has bigger branch other.───贤良文学与董仲舒的经济思想有较大歧异.


We can realize its religiousness through significance of the sacrifice explained by Confucian Dong Zhongshu.

The economic thought of able and virtuous literature and Dong Zhongshu has bigger branch other.