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February 23


二月廿三───February 23


issue; published online February 23, 2010.───月刊,发表于2010.2.23。

Their uncanny ordeals are detailed in a study published online February 23 in PLoS ONE.───他们不可思议的经历作为研究,2月23日在线发表于PLoS ONE。

February 23, disillusioned and in great emotional and physical turmoil Keats died.───2月23日,济慈感觉幻灭,在情感与身体的巨大混乱中,他逝世了。

But there continued to be high-profile incidents, including one where 23 civilians were killed in a NATO airstrike in February.───但是二月份还是在那里(阿富汗)发生了一起备受瞩目的事件,包括23名平民在北约的一次空袭中丧失。

A third of transactions were all-cash sales, and investors accounted for 19% of February sales activity, down from 23% in January.───三分之一的房市交易都是现金销售,投资占二月份销售活动的19%,相对一月份的23%成下降趋势。

Mr. Ouattara said in a statement Monday that the ban on exports would be in effect until February 23.───瓦塔拉星期一在一份声明中说,禁止出口的命令一直到2月23号都有效。


February 23,1905: Chicago attorney Paul Harris and three other businessmen meet for lunch to form the Rotary Club, the world's first service club.

I am Chinese, 1987, on February 23, please born noon fortune teller measure once!

On February 23, the Kosovar Albanians, including Thaci, accepted the agreement in principle, returned home to sell it to their people, and in mid-March traveled to Paris to sign the finished document.

Comet Lulin is framed by red-lit trees in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in a picture taken February 23.

Five Marines and a Navy corpsman raise the second American flag on top of Mount Suribachi on February 23, 1945.