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时间:2022-11-13 00:09:59 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2673字


The most unforgettable thing for me




A visit to the museum is an unforgettable experience.───对该博物馆的参观是一次难忘的经历。

I was rooting for McEnroe then , but that image of Borg proved unforgettable.───虽然当时我是支持McEnroe的, 但是Borg的那张照片却给了我难以磨灭的印象.

During the year you worked at Golden Scene, did you have unforgettable memories?───在高先工作一年的期间, 有没有甚麽难忘的经历?

An uncommonly good actor. An unforgettable good friend. Leslie, I will always remember you!───难得的好演员, 难忘的好朋友张国荣, 我永远怀念您!

Unforgettable Ou Motuo rests the blue sky still is that deep blue and is limpid.───难忘的欧莫托休的蓝天依然还是那么湛蓝和清澈.

An unforgettable day, it is worth remembering one day.───难忘的一天, 值得记住的一天.

He raised his hand to stop my words, looked at me with unforgettable reproach.───他举起手来不让我再讲下去, 怀着令人难忘的怨气看了我一眼.

We shall now show that the change of variable formula for integrals is just as unforgettable.───我们现在来说明积分的换元公式也一样好记.
