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时间:2022-11-13 04:01:48 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2825字


London is in England




Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness.───英国许多海滩连最起码的卫生标准都达不倒。

Jane's goals helped Britain win third place in the Barcelona games.───简的进球帮助英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。

It is a part of Britain as yet largely unaccustomed to tourists.───英国的这一块地方还很不为游客所熟悉。

Britain is a constitutional monarchy.───英国是个君主立宪制国家。

Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880.───直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。

Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.───英国和法国对这项提案已经发表了一些反对意见。

De Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC.───戴高乐驳回了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的申请。

New Year's Day is a public holiday throughout Britain.───元旦是全英国的公众假日。


Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society.

Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960.

Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France.

When did the Romans invade Britain?

That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.