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时间:2022-11-13 08:00:36 作者:星火作文 字数:2480字


My heart


眷心───My heart


I could hear the beating of my heart.───我能听见自己的心跳.

My heart's a bit dodgy.───我的心脏有点儿小毛病。

My own family I loved with all my heart.───我真心实意地爱我全家人。

It really breaks my heart to see them this way.───看到他们这个样子可真让我伤心。

My heart was hammering. The footsteps had stopped outside my door.───我的心怦怦直跳。脚步声已停在我的门外。

My heart had started to thud, and my mouth was dry.───我的心开始咚咚跳,嘴里发干。

My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.───我走进她的办公室时,紧张得心都到了喉咙口。

I felt my heart beating faster.───我感觉心脏跳得更快了。


My heart bled for the poor unhappy children.

You will only break my heart.

i love you with all my heart.

It makes my heart ache to see her suffer.

Paper plane fly farther take away my heart.