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时间:2022-11-13 12:01:19 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2483字


Steamed eggs


蒸鸡蛋───Steamed eggs


This morning, I ate two eggs and two steamed stuffed bun, a bowl of soybean milk, a dish of cowpea, actually didn't finish those.───今天早晨,我吃了两个鸡蛋,两个包子,一碗豆浆,一小碟豇豆菜,其实都没吃完那些。

When I was in primary school, I knew how to make steamed eggs, boiled eggs, Fried eggs and egg soup.───在小学的时候,我就知道如何做蒸蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋和蛋汤。

Now I know how to make steamed eggs, boiled eggs, Fried eggs and egg soup.───现在我知道如何蒸蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋和做蛋汤。

I put a bowl of egg dishes on the induction cooker, in order to save time while I Wash rice and a side of steamed eggs.───我把盛着鸡蛋的碗放在电磁炉上,为了节省时间我一边淘米一边蒸着鸡蛋。

For dinner that night, Wen ate a simple meal of three steamed eggs, with a pear for dessert.───那天晚上,文强简单地吃了三个蒸蛋,餐后吃了一只梨。

I'd like steamed eggs for lunch.───午饭我想吃蒸蛋。
