Corolla like
Except for the image of Europa and corolla , everything else is rough sketch in the below.───在下面的图中,除了欧罗巴和花冠外, 其余都是草图.
There are some selling for less than a new Toyota Corolla.───有一些公寓的售价比一辆新的丰田卡罗拉还少。
The corolla of a snapdragon is bilabiate.───金鱼草的花冠是二唇形的.
James: I'd like a Corolla. How much do you charge per day?───詹姆斯: 我租“花冠”好了. 一天的租金是多少?
Height , breadth and diameter of corolla are the important ornamental characters of petunia.───株高、冠幅、花径是矮牵牛的重要观赏性状.
The old Corolla was a plain, basic automobile that was inexpensive and reliable.───旧款的corolla是平实 、 基本的汽车,价钱不贵行驶也可靠.
European viola with an unusually long corolla spur.───欧洲堇菜,通常有长花冠距.
When the flower buds separated and corolla facrogenous, flowers appeared and the megasporocyte formed.───当顶花花冠露出与花萼等长时, 大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成四个直线排列的大孢子.
The androecium is borne on the fused corolla.
We cultivate the flower for its corolla.
European viola with an unusually long corolla spur.
Except for the image of Europa and corolla , everything else is rough sketch in the below.
The corolla of a snapdragon is bilabiate.