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时间:2022-11-13 16:00:31 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3007字


March 15


三月十五───March 15


March 15, the Bangladeshi Supreme Court postponed ruling on Yunus’s case for two weeks.───3月15日,孟加拉国高等法院将尤努斯诉讼的裁决向后推迟两周。

fought for far longer than any doctor expected and died on March 15, 2008.───超出所有医生的预料,母亲与病魔战斗了更久,最终在2008年3月15日逝世。

The deadline for application is March 15, 2009.───日期为2009年3月15日。

He said on March 15th that when he helped to silence a sex offender's victims, he was "doing what I was required to do. "───他在3月15日曾说,在让遭受性侵犯的受害者保持缄默时,他“只是在行分内之事。”

He said he was denied the right to travel to Ayodhya, where construction of a temple was to begin on March 15.───他表示,自己被剥夺前往艾育德雅地区的权利,该地区从三月十五日起将兴建一座庙宇。

The new moon March 15 could bring the kind of professional opportunities and talks you used to dream about in the two weeks that follow.───3月15的新月,会在接下来的2周内带来一直梦寐以求的事业上的机遇和谈判。


The entire operation should be completed by March 15, he said.

Date: March 15,2009 ( 29 th day of the second month by lunar calendar ).

March 15 th, Q & A meeting and site visit.

Renewal applications were sent out this week and must be returned by March 15.

Canonized 1934; feast day, March 15.