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时间:2022-11-14 00:17:48 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3054字


Cure disease


疗疾───Cure disease


Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.───假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。

Ever since the first human stumbled across the first herb that aided in healing, humans have been on a quest to cure disease, and heal wounds.───自从人类第一次被一颗杂草所绊倒时,他就需要被治疗。人们一直在寻找治疗疾病和治愈伤口的办法。

As we improve the quality of both the images themselves and our analytical abilities, we also improve our ability to detect and cure disease.───当我们提高这些图形本身的质量和我们分析问题的能力时,我们同样也提高了发现和治疗疾病的能力。

One of the core goals of the vast pharmaceutical sector of the global economy is to cure disease and prolong life.───在全球经济中大型制药公司的重要目标是治疗疾病和延长寿命。

To find the strength as an international community to fight poverty, remove destitution , end illiteracy and cure disease.───我们要团结起来,作为一个国际团体获得与贫困作斗争、消除贫困、消除文盲和治愈疾病的力量。

Remember this girl and then our larger aims -- to fight poverty, prevent conflict, or cure disease -- will not seem distant, or impossible.───记住这个女孩,那么我们更大目标-战胜贫穷,预防冲突或医治疾病——就不会显得那么遥远,或者无法实现了。


Cure Disease and Abolish Disease range increased to 40 yards.