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时间:2022-11-14 04:00:35 作者:趣历史 字数:2938字






Large cysts can cause Backaches and a dragging sensation.───体积较大的囊肿可引起背痛及牵扯感.

The cysts are most often seen in the mandibular ramus or angle.───角化囊肿拥有明显的组织病理表徵,且以局部侵袭性和特高再发率著称.

Recurrent or new cysts are common.───囊肿复发或出现新囊肿是常见的。

Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.───卵巢囊肿可通过盆腔检查及超声检查确诊。

There are many trophozoite in the cecum, also a lot of cysts.───盲肠部滋养体较多, 但是包囊亦多.

PURPOSE: To study the histopathological types of cysts of the parotid gland.───摘要目的: 探讨腮腺囊肿的组织病理学特征.

Other smaller cysts are also scattered around the kidney.───左侧输尿管通向南面.

Low power microscopy illustrates the multilocular cysts separated by fibrous tissue.───低倍镜显示纤维组织分隔的多房囊腔.


The condition is characterized by spinal cysts and the gradual erosion of spinal nerves.

Once the cysts reach the small intestine, trophozoites are released.

He was also noted to have cysts and skull osteomata.

Spiralling leg fractures, cysts, ventricle failure also saw her whisked into the operating theatre.

Many physicians also believe that simple renal cysts commonly cause microscopic haematuria and mild proteinuria.