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时间:2022-11-14 04:03:17 作者:星火作文 字数:2797字


Ming Du


鸣犊───Ming Du


Ming Du Clear Water Bay Hotel, which Ming Du Catering & Entertainment Co. , Ltd invests several hundred million yuan to build, is another masterwork after Ming Du Good Year Leisure & Business Club.───名都清水湾休闲商务酒店是由名都餐饮娱乐有限公司斥数亿巨资打造的,暨名都嘉年华休闲商务会馆的又一震撼力作。

The other, Yong Ching Ming poetry very much, Du Mu, "Qingming" the most famous poems.───另,咏清明诗极多,杜牧《清明》诗最为著名。

Yang Ming came to work instead of Du Feng, because he wanted to.───杨明代替杜峰来这里工作因为他想要来。

If with minimal ink out of the color, the brightness of the color and brightness of the better, because gray, ming du.───如果以最少的墨种而调配出来的颜色,其颜色的鲜艳度及明度较佳,因为灰度减低,明度就高。

Density contrast small sharps, its main parts of the partial face light up partial thin, ming du high, you need to make some deeper.───密度反差小的高调相片,其面部主要部分偏亮偏薄,明度高,需要作些加深调整。

The other is colored in reflection or transmission level, reflection or transmission, the more color ming du.───二是有色体反射或透射光量的多少,反射或透射的越多,颜色明度越大。
