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时间:2022-11-14 08:01:27 作者:语文迷 字数:2618字


Eat vegetables




Let the vegetables cook gently for about 10 minutes.───用小火将蔬菜煮大约10分钟。

Remove the vegetables from the steamer when they are three-quarters cooked.───将蔬菜蒸至大半熟后从蒸锅里捞出。

Much of the garden was given over to vegetables.───这个花园大部分用来种蔬菜。

The kitchen garden was full to overflowing with fresh vegetables.───家庭菜园里种满了新鲜蔬菜。

Most vegetables contain fibre.───大多数蔬菜含有纤维。

It holds vegetables in place while they are being peeled or sectioned.───将蔬菜削皮或切片时用它来固定。

A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables.───随便到哪个市场逛逛,都能看见蔬菜堆得老高的菜摊。

Scrub the vegetables clean.───蔬菜刷洗干净。


Cut the vegetables into thin strips.

I usually buy all my vegetables at the market.

Besides milk and butter, we need some vegetables.

This farm grows mainly flowers and vegetables.

Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.