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时间:2022-11-14 08:03:31 作者:星火作文 字数:2728字


Official affairs


官事───Official affairs;吃───eat


A lot of public consumption occurred in the official reception. Receiving visitors should cost some money at official affairs but could the reception be simplified?───很多公款消费发生在接待过程中,人来客往总是要接待的,但是为了公务,相互的接待是否可以简单一点呢?

With the popularization of the computer in the official affairs, one can particularly show his skill of operating the computer.───随着电脑在办公事务中的广泛应用,有的人在简历的个人资料中特别提出自己的计算机操作水平。

Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said nothing official has been decided yet and declined to comment further.───日本外务省说尚未做出正式决定,并拒绝进一步置评。

As long as you come to invest in Xianyou County, all official affairs would be undertaken by us.───理念:只要你来投资,一切由我来办。

To be responsible for the check and guide of the retired official affairs of the Ministry departments.───负责对部属单位执行离退休干部工作政策的检查指导。

To overtake other tasks of the retired official affairs assigned by the Office leaders.───承担部领导交办的其它有关离退休干部工作的事宜。
