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时间:2022-11-14 08:06:25 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2826字


Broaden one's horizons




Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.───简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。

A young girl in the village experienced a prophetic vision.───村里的一个小女孩曾看到过预言的异象.

I saw other indistinct shapes that stayed out of vision.───我看见另有一些模糊的影子晃了一下就不见了。

The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled.───山上我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。

The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794.───1794年法国大革命中失败的激进分子最先预见到了社会会发生根本改变。

Education and experience breed a breadth of vision and understanding to him.───教育和经历使他眼界开阔.

As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.───快到山顶时,我们有幸看到了难得一见的景象。

The old man's vision is poor.───这位老人视力不好.


The couple moved outside her field of vision.

Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock.

Cats have good night vision.

I've had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.

She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.