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时间:2022-11-14 12:02:57 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2794字






She is very busy, but she always finds time to help other people.───她很忙, 可是她总会抽时间去帮助别人.

People are always out in their cars, watching television or busy doing something else.───人们总是驾车外出,或者看电视,再不就是忙点其他什么事情。

People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.───忙忙碌碌的人们无暇停下来反思。

He is fearfully busy.───他非常忙.

Don't telephone me when I am busy.───在我忙的时候不要打电话给我.

The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.───远程学习的灵活性对于日理万机的经理人来说特别适合。

The harbor is busy night and day, within a year playing host to freighters from more than 30 countries and regions.───这港口日夜繁忙, 一年内接待了来自30多个国家和地区的货轮.

The onslaught of orders should keep aircraft manufacturers busy for some time.───纷至沓来的订单应该会让飞机制造商忙碌一段时间。


I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now.

She gives the impression of being very busy.

Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth.

She was always too busy to listen.

I'll be too busy to come to the meeting.