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时间:2022-11-14 12:04:29 作者:趣历史 字数:2568字


Silent battlefield




The king rapped on the table with his heavy metal ring, and the company fell silent.───国王用他重重的金属戒指敲打桌子, 使客人安静下来.

Any person who refuses to keep silent will be conducted out of the room.───不愿意保持安静者将被逐出房间.

Unaccountably, he kept silent.───令人难解的是, 他竟一直保持沈默.

He generally keeps silent at a meeting.───他通常在会上保持沉默.

The old house was quite silent.───这间旧房子非常肃静.

The whole room was silent.───房间里(的人)鸦雀无声.

Immediately on his beginning to speak, everyone was silent.───他一讲话, 大家顿时安静下来.

I did not answer, and he, too, kept silent.───我没有回答, (而)他也不作声.


Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous.

As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent.

She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.

Where drums beat, laws are silent.

The engine is almost silent at low revs.