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时间:2022-11-16 20:00:42 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2973字


Play music


奏乐───Play music


Lute, play music bright for the bride fair and slender!───窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之.

They play music loudly and put their belongings in the corridor.───他们把音乐开到很大声,又把私人物品摆在走廓.

Right now , we play music in Gothic Metal , Melodic Death Metal and Symphonic Metal styles.───目前的风格为哥特、旋死和交响金属.

Do you think it is necessary to play music at a wedding reception?───你认为在喜宴上演奏音乐有必要 吗 ?

They play music to satisfy their inner desire.───他们歌唱来满足内心的渴望.

To Zhuang its momentum, the team marched, there were musicians play music for accompaniment.───为壮其声势, 队伍行进时, 有乐手奏乐为其伴奏.

PDA ( personal digital assistant ) can send email, download information and play music.───PDA ( 个人数字助理 ) 能够收发邮件及下载资料和播放音乐.

Try to play music that will appeal to them.───试着演奏对他们有吸引力的乐曲.


He had to dance, and sing, and play music.

If you think they are unteachable, simply ask them to expand upon their favorite interests: computers, books, fishing, sports, games, artwork, play, music or animals.

They play music on authentic medieval instruments.

Special music Juke Box function, play music files stored in hard disc directly.

In Indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs , drums , and xylophones.