Country road
Stylistically, Weller is treading a similar path to that of Lenny Kravitz.───在风格上,韦勒与伦尼·克拉维茨走着相似的路子。
The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.───新发现的这个天体具有不同于任何其他行星的运行轨道。
The path climbed steeply upwards.───的路很陡。
The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags.───小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。
There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.───在墙的这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。
From very early on he believed a military revolution was necessary and he has never deviated from that ideological path.───他一早就认为军事革命是必要的,并且从未背离过这一思想路线。
The hunters hewed a path through the jungle.───猎手们在森林里开出了一条路.
The old man edged the path with trees.───那位老人在小路边种上了树木.
The path of duty is the path of safety.
The road finished in a narrow path.
The path leads us down to the river.
The path began to climb quite steeply.
The path down to evil is easy.