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时间:2022-11-16 20:04:29 作者:趣历史 字数:2591字


To kill


诛殄───To kill


This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.───这是个折磨人、让人痛苦难当的杀人方法。

Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.───霜降危及新作物的存活。

Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.───尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。

To kill the hours while she waited, Ann worked in the garden.───为了打发等待的那几个小时,安在菜园里干些活。

I bought a spray to kill the weeds.───我买了一种喷剂可以除草。

He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut.───他花钱雇我兄弟去杀了诺顿并给了他封口费。

Who would have a reason to want to kill her?───谁会有杀她的动机呢?

It is better to die oneself than to kill.───宁可自亡,不可行凶。


Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.

He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.

She tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.

The police rarely shoot to kill .

Put disinfectant down the toilet to kill any germs.