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时间:2022-11-17 04:01:42 作者:星火作文 字数:2610字


Ear pain




He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.───他负债累累,走投无路。

The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.───库克叫这只狗的名字时,它的耳朵就会稍稍耷拉一下。

Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover.───《芝加哥》将给所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉的盛宴。

I'm having my ears pierced.───我打算穿耳洞。

All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.───所有的人都竖起耳朵听楼梯上传来的脚步声。

She stopped talking to prick up her ears.───她不再说话,竖起耳朵听着。

I had to box Max's ears to get him to hush.───我不得不打了马克斯一耳光让他闭嘴。

The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.───那只棕鼠两只耳朵向前支着,一条长尾巴布满鳞片。


Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears.

Walls (or Pitchers) have ears.

She's had her ears pierced.

Little pitchers have great (or large) ears.

He put his hands over his ears.