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时间:2022-11-17 04:06:36 作者:语文迷 字数:3256字


Targeted therapy




Advertisers to shell out a lot of money for this targeting.───广告商愿意为这种更具针对性的形式付更多广告费.

with their institutions' ability to attract funding, administrators are increasingly targeting low-enrollment courses and degree programs for elimination.───对学校吸引资金能力的考虑,管理人员正越来越多地将低入学率的课程和学位课程作为淘汰目标。

Conclusion: Psoralen liposomal gel showed an evident targeting effect in skin.───结论: 补骨脂素脂质体凝胶具有显著的局部皮肤靶向性.

CtBP 2 is a transcription repressor targeting diverse transcription factors.───CtBP2是一种针对多种转录物的辅阻遏因子.

The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.───其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一.

I'm targeting crops that are of African value.───我的目标是(找到)对非洲人有价值的作物。

It led to a new technology -- gene targeting.───并诞生了一门新技术 ― ―基因靶向.

Rooney is targeting a clean sweep of domestic, European and international trophies.───鲁尼的目标是要包揽包括国内 、 洲和世界的奖杯.


Microsoft is estimated to be targeting the 50 million or so potential users of the Windows operating system.

Techniques of consumer targeting are an important additional input to market analysis, segmentation and planning.

The pin-point brilliance of the targeting beam danced across her forehead.

Why is Clinton targeting that rather small constituency?

A promotional campaign targeting new customers as well existing shoppers is expected at the launch.