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时间:2022-11-17 08:00:32 作者:语文迷 字数:2764字


I watched TV yesterday


看电视───Watch tv;昨天───yesterday


If you are so inclined, you can watch TV.───如果你这么想看电视,你就看吧。

Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV.───即使有着繁忙的日程安排,她还是抽时间看看电视。

Strange to say, he doesn't like to watch TV.───说也奇怪, 他不喜欢看电视.

Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV or go to movies.───哦, 没什么特别爱好.平时读书 、 看电视或去看看电影.

It's more comfortable to watch TV at home than to see a film in the cinema.───在家看电视比去电影院看电影要舒服得多.

The children wanted to watch TV, and dragged their feet when their mother told them to go to bed.───孩子们想看电视, 因此当母亲叫他们去睡觉时,都慢吞吞地走.

Tom didn't watch TV last night.───汤姆昨晚没看电视.

Jack always used to act up when his mother wouldn't let him watch TV.───以前Jack的妈妈不让他看电视的时候,他就捣蛋.


Most evenings we just stay in and watch TV.

I settled back to watch TV.

He settled himself on the sofa to watch TV.

They stopped up to watch TV till 3 a.m.

You can't watch TV until you've done your homework.