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时间:2022-11-17 12:03:29 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2990字






MILAN - Lille have extended the contracts of Kader Keita, Jean Makoun and Peter Odemwingie for one season.───米兰- - -凯塔,马孔和奥德·维基与里尔的合同将延长一年。

break, Xavi, Keita, Busquets and Iniesta had played 153 passes; Inter's midfield four had barely made 50.───中场休息,哈维,凯塔,布斯克特和伊涅斯塔就已经完成了153脚传球,而国米的中场四员大将只完成了50次。

Tomorrow, I will have a tattoo with Keita, Ryuichi, and Ryohei's names on my skin.───明天我讲会在我的皮肤上弄庆太,龙一和凉平名字的文身。

Actualy, it's gonna be a hard work, but, I definitely want people here, in England, to know Keita's music, and W-INDS as well!───事实上,那是一个艰巨的工作。不过我非常想让这里,英国的人知道庆太和w-inds。的音乐!!

Barca have lost midfielders Toure Yaya and Seydou Keita for a month on African Nations Cup duty, but that has not altered the coach's plans.───由于要参加为期一个月的非洲杯,巴萨失去了中场组织者亚亚图雷和凯塔。但是这并没有影响主教练的计划。

In 2009, he launched a wedding-dress collection and a casual-wear line called Dress Dress Keita Maruyama.───2009年,他推出了一个婚纱系列,以及一个名为“DressDressKeitaMaruyama”的休闲装系列。


Mme Keita probably earns less than I pay my watchman, yet she is skilled and well educated.