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时间:2022-11-17 16:00:47 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2510字


bridge tower




He partnered Peter at bridge.───他与彼得搭档打桥牌.

The engineer had a bold plan to build a bridge over the English Channel.───这个工程师有一个大胆的计划:在英吉利海峡上建一座桥梁.

The bridge collapsed into the swollen river.───桥陷入了暴涨的河水里.

We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.───为建造这座桥,我们呼吁村民捐款.

They defied him to jump off the bridge.───他们激他跳下桥去.

You can get a view of the whole bridge from here.───从这里可以看到大桥的全貌.

They contracted to build the new bridge.───他们签订合同造新桥.

The bridge crosses the river at its narrowest point.───大桥在河的最狭处横跨河面.


The bridge broke down in last earthquake.

The house is beyond the bridge.

The bridge collapsed without warning.

The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.

The bridge has a span of 100 metres.