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时间:2022-11-17 16:05:09 作者:语文迷 字数:2375字


Bad brother


劣弟───Bad brother


the bad brother wanted very much to make the mill work.───这个坏兄弟很想让磨转起来。

When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall.───当他跑去追他哥哥的时候,突然失去了平衡,重重地摔了一跤。

got so bad that on that night my brother put 20 dollars in that small crack in the wall. He said if I went to the other side of the room I could have the money.───在这间房子的墙壁上还有一个小砖缝,不巧的是,那天夜里我哥哥把20美元塞到了那个砖缝里,他说,如果我到房间的那一侧就能够拿到这些钱。

"Not too bad! Brother Gong, thank you for your mercy! " replied the young man, biting his lip with a pale face.───那少年脸色苍白,咬着嘴唇道:“多谢龚师兄剑下留情。”

But the bad brother wanted very much to make the mill work.───这个坏兄弟很想让磨转起来。
