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时间:2022-11-17 20:00:58 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2808字


Strawberry flavored


草莓味───Strawberry flavor;草莓味───Strawberry flavor


Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, corn starch, coconut powder, whey powder, tapioca flour, glutinous rice flour, milk powder, strawberry flavor, salt, flavors, food color.───配料:面粉、糖、植物油、玉米淀粉、可可粉、乳清粉、木薯淀粉、糯米粉、奶粉、草莓味调味粉、乳化剂、盐、调味料、着色剂。

Delicious Natural Strawberry flavor keeps the kids coming back for more.───天然美味的草莓味使孩子更喜欢再回来使用。

Deliciouss Natural Strawberry flavor keeps the kids coming back for more.───美味的草莓味使孩子更喜欢再回来使用。

Strawberry flavor reminds me of the image, a few months ago at the moment with how unusual.───草莓的香味形象使我想起,几个月前跟眼下是多么不一般。

Among the fruits, my favorite color is still the United States and strawberry flavor.───在众多的水果中,我最喜欢的还是那色鲜味美的草莓。

Strawberry flavor is not so sweet. It tastes also good as introduced by classmates who had it.───草莓口味相对比较不甜,挺吃过的同学说也是很不错的。


But each pointed fruit has a delectable, intense wild strawberry flavor.