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时间:2022-11-17 20:03:27 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2860字


It's cold. It's freezing


冻冰───Frozen ice;冷───cold


moment life began on the planet billions of years ago, the climate has swung drastically and often abruptly from one state to another - from tropical swamp to frozen ice age.───几十亿年前地球上出现第一个生命开始,气候就剧烈地变化着,时常是从一个时期突然进入另一个时期——从炎热的湿季到冰冻期。

But such studies, notes Kempf, can only detect sodium in its gaseous form, not the solid sodium in the frozen ice particles.───但是这些研究结果,只是基于气态的钠元素的检测。他们并没有仔细的检测那些存在于冰晶颗粒中固态钠元素。

They are made up of ice and other frozen liquids and gases.───它们是由冰和其他冻结的液体和气体构成。

When lakes are frozen, ice skaters come out of hiding and get out on the ice for lots of fun.───当湖面都结成了冰,滑冰者们不再躲在屋子里而是来到户外体验冰上乐趣。

Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed.───几个小时之后,救援船返回救起了奄奄一息滴罗丝,而此时早已冻僵滴杰克却被冰海无情滴吞没。


When lakes are frozen, ice skaters come out of hiding and get out on the ice for lots of fun.