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时间:2022-11-18 00:01:41 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2832字


Not serious




Underneath his rather severe manner, he is really very kindhearted.───他待人态度相当严厉, 但心地确实十分善良.

It was objected that this severe measure might hurt people's feelings.───有人提出反对,说这个严厉的措施可能伤害人们的感情.

If untreated, the illness can become severe.───若不加以治疗,病情就可能会变得很严重。

Many severe colds undermined the old man's health.───多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康.

In a news release, the company said it had experienced severe financial problems.───在新闻稿中,该公司表示自己遭遇了严重的财务问题。

In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice.───面对国际储备的严重危机, 政府实施了两次货币贬值.

Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.───这个地区的集约化农业使得土壤严重贫瘠化。

Severe cold turned our ears pink.───严寒冻红了我们的耳朵.


The judge meted out severe penalties.

My uncle became severe when I was late.

His injuries were quite severe.

His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.

Strikes are causing severe disruption to all train services.