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时间:2022-11-18 00:03:48 作者:语文迷 字数:2864字






My mother heard of this school through Leslie.───我母亲是从莱斯利那里知道这所学校的。

Leslie: How could we do this. We forgot him.───莱斯莉: 我们怎么做出这样的事来. 我们居然把他给忘了.

My mother heard of this school through Leslie.───我母亲从莱斯利那里听说了这所学校。

The decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by Leslie.───对文学小说兴趣的下降也是莱斯利发现其中一个的原因。

Leslie Rowan my private secretary, wooed and won her in these few days at sea.───我的私人秘书莱斯利·罗恩, 在这几天的海上旅途中追求她,结果成功了.

Now don't you give me that stale drivel, Leslie.───莱斯里,你别也来向我胡扯那套陈词滥调.

Leslie : Maybe they thought that I could possibly work quite well with her.───LESLIE: 可能当时他们觉得我也许会跟她合作得很好.

Leslie W Russell , for appellants. W. M. Hawkins for respondents.───莱斯里·W· 茹塞尔 为上诉人辩护; W·M·豪肯斯为被上诉人辩护.


Do you talk to Leslie much anymore?

Leslie jumped to her feet, overturning her chair.

Leslie always wears bright colours.

Leslie suddenly got the feeling that somebody was watching her.

Leslie had an unhappy childhood.