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时间:2022-11-18 04:03:03 作者:星火作文 字数:2714字






You keep a Thermos of hot water avail able at all times.───你有一个热水瓶里面永远装著热水.

Father carries a thermos bottle of hot soup with his lunch.───爸爸带一暖壶汤吃中饭.

There is still a little water left in that thermos bottle.───那个暖瓶里还有一点水.

He was rearranging canvas bags and tripods, a Thermos bottle and paper sacks.───他把帆布包和三脚 、 暖水瓶和纸袋重新放好.

May I see that thermos bottle?───我可以看看那个暖水瓶 吗 ?

She poured hot water from the thermos.───她从热水瓶倒出热水.

The thermos is made of glass and mercury.───热水瓶是由玻璃和水银制成.

The tap water was too cold, but the thermos bottle was empty , had no option.───自来水太凉, 但是暖瓶里没水,凑合用吧.


I would also have managed to acquire a Thermos flask.

We brought tea in a thermos flask.

A second thermos was passed with hot camels' milk, yellow with saffron and heavily sweet.

Hot soup, stew or casserole in a thermos flask, plus a roll - but no butter or margarine.

They pulled out a book and a thermos flask, and settled in for the long night ahead.