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时间:2022-11-18 16:03:14 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2929字


twenty percent


百分之二十───twenty percent


of pregnant women also suffer from RLS.───的孕妇也患有RLS。

Wages have fallen by more than twenty percent during the past two months.───过去的两个月期间工资已下降了二十多个百分点。

price of residential property has risen almost twenty percent.───房屋价格上涨了将近20%。

Before this time, the risk of death was anywhere from eight to twenty percent (depending on the age of the infected person).───而这之前,艾滋病患者的死亡率是8%-20%(取决于病人的年龄)。

He says about twenty percent of the cases involve victims from Mexico -- the largest number of any foreign country.───他说,大约20%的案件涉及到来自墨西哥的受害者--这个数字比任何其他国家都要大。

I want to teach others what I was not taught when I was young, and that message is to save at least twenty percent of your income.───我想把我年轻时无人传授的经验教给别人,亦即至少省下你20%的收入。


Twenty percent of five thousand will only give you a sample size of a thousand.

Wages have fallen by more than twenty percent during the past two months.

Nuclear power plants produce twenty percent of the country's energy.

Twenty percent of the papers are written in Chinese.

Twenty percent of single women and 18 percent of women who are now separated or divorced answered yes.