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时间:2022-11-18 20:00:18 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2656字


agree in opinion


情投意合───agree in opinion


Possible bonus: it appears likely that the BOJ will agree to monetise part of the fiscal emergency package posed to be forthcoming soon, in my opinion.───可能的补助:在我看来,日本央行可能会套现即将提出的财政应急计划的部分资金。

They don't care about the beauty of love each other for the object, more important is theunique character enough, Is it right? Also as they are out of the ordinary, andthey agree in opinion.───对于爱情的对象他们不在乎对方的外在美,更看重的是性格够不够独特,是不是也和他们一样与众不同,能与他们情投意合。

The right way, in my opinion and something that other bloggers probably agree with, is to leave value-added comments. That means going beyond one liners like “Great article!” or “I disagree with you.”───在我以及其它一些博主看来,所谓正确的方式就是留下一些增加博文价值的评论,这意味着你必须超越于诸如:“沙发!”

Abandon: You love, my love, agree in opinion two dependencies, sugary love forever, I drifted between aroma!───醉爱情迷:你醉爱,我情迷,守望相助两相依,柔情蜜意永相随,香气飘然散心间!
