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时间:2022-11-18 20:04:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2640字


Waiting Room


候诊室───Waiting Room


Two children were in a doctor's waiting room. The little girl was softly sobbing.───两个小孩在医生的候诊室里. 小女孩在轻轻的哭.

After the immigration, you will find them in the waiting room.───入境后, 你会在候机室看到.

In a veterinarians waiting room : Be back in 5 minutes, Sit! Stay!───兽医的候诊内: 稍候5分钟. 趴下,别动!

I glimpsed her in the waiting room as I picked up her chart.───在候诊室收表格是我看到了她.

She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out.───她在候车室里晕过去了,被抬了出去.

He is just sitting inside the plane waiting room to wait the plane at this moment.───他此刻正坐在飞机侯机室里等飞机.

The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room.───两位医生从医院候诊室的门前走过.

Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit.───等候室的告示要求人们不要吸烟也不要随地吐痰。


The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.