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时间:2022-11-19 08:09:25 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2848字


Blueberry milkshake




J : It's nth wrong with the blueberry pie, people make other choices.───蓝莓派很好, 只是人们做了其他的选择.

B : Fresh blueberry pie with lots of whipped cream.───新鲜的蓝莓派,加了很多泡沫鲜奶油.

Actually blueberry is not a power food but an antioxidant powerhouse.───实际上蓝莓不是一种供能食品,而是抗氧化发电站.

Bouquet : Rare aroma with notes of strawberry, black current and blueberry. Taste : Palate : soft fragrant , enveloping.───香气: 香气罕见,包括草莓 、 黑醋栗和蓝莓的香气.

I'd like to have a big slice of pizza and a blueberry ice cream.───我来一大块比萨饼,再要一份乌饭树浆果冰淇淋.

There seems to Be a BlueBerry pie cooking in the kitchen.───厨房里好象正在做越橘果排.

I'll be back before you can say blueberry pie.───你蓝莓馅饼几个字还没说完我就会回来了.

Did you get the blueberry pancakes?───你吃了草莓饼了 吗 ?


Blueberry bushes need a very acid soil.

The blueberry pie came with a mound of whipped cream on the side.

Papain, blueberry and raspberry extract.

A blueberry muffin should be bursting with blueberries, an apple muffin heavy with apples.

I'll be back before you can say blueberry pie.