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时间:2022-12-26 04:19:48 作者:学习啦 字数:2654字


I put my hand on my head


放在───Put in;头上───top of one's head


The money will be put in trust until she is 18.───钱会交付他人托管,直到她年满18岁。

They put in at Lagos for repairs.───他们驶入拉各斯港进行维修。

How much faith should we put in anti-ageing products?───我们对抗衰老产品应该抱有多少信心?

Heaven knows what they put in it.───天知道他们在里面放了些什么。

The German star put in a classy performance.───这位德国明星展示了一流演技。

She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests.───不速之客的到来弄得她很慌张.

"Helen had something to eat before she left," put in Cecil anxiously.───“海伦走之前吃了点儿东西,”塞西尔急忙插了一句。

But what about us?' he put in.───那我们怎么办?”他插嘴说。


The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled.

Put in the money before dialing.

He was put in prison for theft.

I've put in an application to the college.

4,000 women put in ten rupees each, which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees.